How it started

It all started with a quest to find the perfect toddler shoe...

After being bombarded by endless options, each promising the perfect solution, our founder found herself drowning in internet overwhelm. With every click, a new question would arise: Why are these shoes so cheap? Why are these shoes so expensive? Will they hold up? Are these reviews paid? Did I brush my teeth this morning? After a dozen open tabs and hundreds of reviews, decision fatigue set in and she was paralyzed by indecision.

*Slams laptop shut. Starts Whatabout.* 

How it's going

The system is broken. 

Backgrounds in both marketing and momming revealed both sides of the struggle. Smaller brands are frustrated by competing with big brand money on Google, influencers are working their butts off to make cents on an affiliate link and consumers attention spans are dwindling. Meanwhile, consumers are suffering—overwhelmed by options, but stuck in an algorithm dictated by accidental clicks and marketing dollars. Technology meant to help is currently failing all of us. Where’s the humanity?!

We can fix it.

Turns out, internet anxiety is real. Friends (and research) backed us up. Reading the trends in the air, we started a company dedicated to creating a better consumer experience.

Our beliefs

We believe in humans.

As AI starts to take over the world, we believe there will always be a place for true human connection. We have built an experience that centers on this belief and leverages technology to help people make better decisions.

We believe the scroll must stop.

Better choices shouldn’t come at the cost of overwhelm. That's why we've built an experience that combats the paradox of choice. Leveraging the natural human tendency to seek curated information, we present comprehensive information combined with real-world insights, empowering you to make smoother, more satisfying decisions. It’s a place where validation comes from the collective wisdom of your peers, not marketing campaigns.

We believe trust is earned, not bought.

In an age of competing voices, trust is a precious commodity. Who can you believe? We’ve seen the rise of features in other apps that prioritize authentic feedback from real people. However, Instagram is not the place, Amazon is not the place, Facebook is not the place…. so we created our own space where authentic conversations happen.

We believe the "Aha" moment awaits.

Whether it comes from scouring social media, reading reviews, or texting your best friend, we all crave that "aha" moment of discovery—the perfect fit, the problem solved. We believe in putting our dollars into something we connect with, instead of just consume. 

Today is the day.

Big tech companies have dabbled in the concept, the underground forums are rumbling about it…. now is the time to make Whatabout happen. If you’re still reading this, you’re in. Join us as we take back our algorithms, connect with brands and have meaningful conversations to solve people’s problems.

Rec on.

–The Whatabout Team